Get your Heart’s Desire Meditation
How I Complicated My Earliest Coaching Business
Making things complicated is a trick humans like to do to ourselves. One of my clients recently was separating what she offered into different compartments even though they complimented each other so well! That reminded me of me many years ago when I first...
How to get clients outside of social media
Here are 10 places to find your clients without social media: 1. Meetup groups - groups you are interested in and the people that are in it would be interested in what you have to offer or know people who do. 2. Events or trade shows - If it’s your niche...
No one’s paying that much attention to you…and that means freedom
When you think about your social media or even your outfit, no one really notices if you posted or wore that a week ago. I have clients tell me, “you’re so good at showing up on social media and being consistent”...meanwhile I’m taking social media courses and...
What if you are exactly where you need to be right now in your life?
There’s no “being behind” in your own journey. Everything you’ve been through and where you are now is part of your evolution. Even if you feel stuck! This is a place where you get to try new ways, where you are searching, curious, learning,...
I Left Social Media For Several Weeks, Here’s What Happened
I was on social media a lot. Contributing and consuming. I thought I had a semi-healthy balance, ok too much - I knew but didn’t really want to quit. It was a distraction that I enjoyed partaking in. Facebook and IG shutdown for a day. I thought maybe they got...
Becoming the Next Version of You
I AM I AM I AM A powerful tool to becoming what you are meant to be. Manifesting the next version of yourself. When you claim, I am ----, your whole being moves into the space of what that is. Try it. What do you want? Where do you see yourself...
How to Keep Going When You’re Getting Crickets
Okay, so you've done something, you've put something out there and nobody’s responding. Creating content when no one is paying attention can be hard. However, this shouldn't stop you from showing up. Even if you’re getting crickets, put out work like you’ve...
Create Systems To Free Your Time and Energy in Business
If you have a business with very little time left for YOU, if you’re charging by the hour, if you're overbooked OR underbooked... Having a Signature System is LIIIIIFE CHANGING and allows you to have more of your time back in the day. A Signature System is your...
Ways To Move Your Service Business Online During the Quarantine
Feeling the quarantine strain on your service-based business? Hands-on business is tough right now. There are alternatives you can offer at home though! Here are some possible ways to transition your business online via video meetings if you’re a hands-on business:
Why you might not be manifesting your dreams…and what to do about it.
Do you ever feel like you’re having trouble making your dreams happen? I’m gonna share with you why you might be having trouble manifesting them and what to do about it. Check out the video to find out. The 3 areas to focus on that were mentioned in the video...
Office Room Tour – Sneak Peek of My New Healing Space
Sneak peek at my new office room... I just moved into a new room in our office suite and got to do some decorating! Wanted to show you around. Check out the video below!
How To Move Out of Overwhelm
How to get stuff done when you have too much to do! Overwhelm happens to the best of us. Here are some steps I've laid out for you to get moving and lighten your load.