Make short videos showcasing what you offer and who you are.
Write an email to your clients, either your email list and/or reach out to specific clients that you love working with and check in on them. Personal touches are a great way to foster your business relationship and show you care.
Have a photo shoot day for social media/blog posts where you do set ups and take photos that will last for weeks.
Have a writing day, where you batch write several posts for your blog or social media. Write blog posts and break those up into smaller posts to repurpose on social media.
Make a plan for your business and write it out. How do you want to grow or sustain this year? Revisit your goals from earlier in the year. You may need to switch your approach! And that’s ok. Let your creativity flow in ways to move you toward your goals in new ways.
Study something that will help you with your services that you offer and expand your tool kit.
Connect with new people online. Find your type of client and say hi, engage with them on social media. Not to sell them anything, just to start up a conversation and begin a relationship.
Have fun, be kind to yourself and reach out for help if you need it. Working from home takes discipline and can be challenging especially if you don’t have someone to hold you accountable or give you direction when you’re your own boss. Sometimes just telling a friend what you want to do, by when and then having them check back in with you is helpful for getting going.